Fieldworks is an initiative launched by Todd Stewart and Robert Bailey, faculty in the School of Visual Arts at the University of Oklahoma. They study arid regions in the western United States, and cultivate an archive of objects, images, and texts that form the basis for exhibitions, publications, and teaching. Through an interdisciplinary approach to the arts, humanities, and sciences, Fieldworks examines how people comprehend and interact with nature, producing knowledge about traces that humans leave on the land and present that knowledge through creative activity and scholarly research.
︎ Their identity is based around old cataloging systems like card catalogues and archival materials, with additional influence from maps and stamps.

The wordmark and collapsed mark are based on old monospace fonts often used in card catalogues, with the secondary font bringing a decidedly modern feeling to the brand. Included in the branding elements are dashed red lines, because of the perception of dashed red lines as talking about where you’re going, boundaries (and the place where things come together), as well as the red in old card catalogues, which also influenced the idea to add a numbering system to designed pieces that is related to their archives.

︎ We produced 300 exhibition leave-behinds for their 2019 show in Albuquerque that included a title card, three didactic cards, and a broadsheet.

︎ I designed the catalogue for their second exhibition in Utah.

Fieldworks, Southern Utah Museum of Art, Solo Exhibition, Fieldworks, Todd Stewart and Robert Bailey, Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Utah
First Things: Points, Roots, Impacts, Vitrine, Solo Exhibition, Fieldworks, Todd Stewart and Robert Bailey, Albuquerque, New Mexico
First Things: Points, Roots, Impacts, Vitrine, Solo Exhibition, Fieldworks, Todd Stewart and Robert Bailey, Albuquerque, New Mexico